Pricing on your own terms

Early access promotional pricing available now.


For personal projects or low volume needs like logo walls, add logos to your presentations, or just for testing.


  • Up to 500 unique brand images / month
  • Up to 10,000 API calls / month
  • Unlimited brand searches
  • Attribution required


Choose this plan if you nee to dynamically or regularly fetch logos as part of a production app or site.


  • Up to 10,000 unique brand images / month
  • Up to 100,000 API calls / month
  • Unlimited brand searches
  • No attribution required
  • Basic support
  • SVG brand images (Coming Soon)


If you have large volume or traffic and/or any custom needs like legal indemnification, quality guarantees, support or more.


  • Unlimited brand images / month
  • Unlimited API calls / month
  • Unlimited brand searches
  • No attribution required
  • SVG brand images (Coming Soon)
  • Enterprise support
  • Custom licenses
  • Custom contracts or terms of service
  • Bulk data access